9 Pilates Moves That Burn Major Calories


Lie on your stomach with your forehead down, your pubis anchored to the mat, and your inner thighs pressed tightly together. Your arms should be stretched forward with your palms down, and your feet should be pointed. Lift your arms, legs, chest, and head up on one count, and hold (A). Inhale and exhale normally as you alternate lifting right arm/left leg (B) and left arm/right leg (C) without touching them down to the mat. Count slowly from 1 to 10 as you swim, lifting higher and reaching longer with each progressive count. Sit back on your heels for a counter-stretch in your lower back, if needed. Find the popular beauty salon Northern Beaches which specializes on beauty parlors, treatments, spa, massage, tanning- and nail studios.


Lie on your back with your hands layered, palm over palm, behind your lifted head and with your knees bent tightly into your chest (A). Inhale slowly, and twist your torso to the left until your right elbow connects with your left knee, straightening your right leg forward and holding it a few inches above the mat (B). Exhale with control and twist right, connecting your left elbow to your right knee and extending your left leg. Continue alternating sides, completing six sets of twists.

Jogging Knees/Heel Ups

Keeping your elbows pinned to your sides and your abs pulled in and up, begin jogging and lifting your knees hip-height as you do (A). After about eight knee lifts, and without breaking stride, begin kicking your bottom with your heels (B), keeping your elbows pinned and your chest lifted. After eight bottom kicks, either move on to the next exercise or complete another set, this time reducing your lifts and kicks to six, then four, then two.

Leg Pull

Sit tall with straight legs extended, and squeeze them together tightly (your feet should be pointed). Place your hands, palms down, on the edges of the mat behind you, with your fingers pointed inward. Press into your hands, and elevate your hips (A) until your body is in a long diagonal line from head to heels. Inhale slowly as you lift your right leg up as high as it will go without shifting your body from side to side or dropping your bottom (B). Exhale with control as you return your foot to the mat, keeping your chest wide. Switch legs, and repeat. Try six times to lift your legs and hips higher and higher with each round.

Plank Jacks

Stand tall, facing the mat at one end. Inhale with control as you bring your arms up, lengthening your waist, and squeeze the backs of your upper inner thighs together tightly (A). Exhale slowly as you bring your head and arms forward, keeping them shoulder-width apart, and lower your hands to the mat by rolling through your spine (not folding at your hips); your abs should remain scooped. Place your palms on the mat with your head on your knees (bend your knees only as needed) (B). Walk your hands forward in 3 1/2 giant straight-armed steps until you are in a rigid plank position from head to heels, with your shoulders past your wrists. You should be balanced on the tips of your toes (C, D, and E). Jump your legs open and closed six times, reinforcing your stable, shoulder-past-wrist position with each jack (F). From your plank position, lift from your powerhouse muscles and fold your chest toward your thighs. Walk your hands back to your feet with straight arms, and roll up to standing. Repeat the sequence three times total.


Lie flat on your back with long, sturdy arms by your sides. Squeeze your legs together tightly from the backs of the upper inner thighs. Inhale slowly as you lift your legs overhead, rolling back until you’re balanced in the middle of your shoulder blades and the backs of your arms (A). Point your toes, and exhale with control as you roll back down your spine, leaning your body slightly to the right (B). When your right glute touches the mat, circle your legs to the left and inhale slowly (C), rolling up the left side of your body while scooping your abs and lifting your bottom (D). Continue reversing the circle direction each time, and complete three sets. Learn more about choosing your beauty spa.

Kneeling Side Kicks

Kneel in the middle of your mat with a long waist. Put your left hand, palm down, on the mat while extending your right leg out to the side, in line with your hip. Your right hand should be behind your head, your hip over your knee, and your shoulder over your wrist (A). On a swift inhale, swing your right leg back powerfully without shifting your hips in front of your knee or disturbing your upper-body position (B). Exhale forcibly as you kick your leg forward without shifting your hips back or changing the position of your chest and elbow (C). Kick front and back eight times, and then switch sides, using swinging back to open the front body, and using all eight opportunities of kicking front to deepen your scoop.

How to Become an SEO Professional

SEO professionals are the iconic “knowledge workers.” The difference between a mediocre search engine optimizer and a true “expert” is potentially millions of hits. In talking about how to become an SEO professional I will be concentrating on defining a lone SEO consultant and won’t talk about starting an SEO company. I’ve worked with business owners as a freelance SEO consultant Sydney and provided services to SEO companies, and have improved the online presence of websites across a wide range of industries.

I will do this because I am a lone SEO consultant and not the owner of an SEO company, and people should ideally only talk about what they know. I have worked with an SEO company so I do know what the structure is like, but businesses are more than structure. Some of what I will say will be “my” story, while other parts will be the stories of other people who are SEO professionals and who have made their mark in the industry.

In The Beginning

I entered the Internet as a web designer, working with graphics and code/script. I loved hanging out on search engines simply because I could find anything I wanted. Since my college days I have spent hours searching for arcane bits of knowledge in order to put information in the departmental news letter.

When I became a web design professional, designing for paying clients instead of friends and family, my first paying client (my father) asked me to get him “traffic.” From worrying about databases and how best to use flash animations I was suddenly saddled with the responsibility of making sure that the web site I was working on (with a team of two other designers) would be visited. It was then I discovered search engine optimization. I soon discovered that this “traffic” issue was no insignificant problem. Every client I met with was more interested in increasing ROI than they were in what color scheme to use on the site.

These basic beginnings led to a deepening interest in SEO and also to my going back into copy writing, on which I base my SEO campaigns. If you ask what I did to become an SEO who on an ongoing basis optimizes three sites at any one time (while working on web development projects), I would probably reply “not much.” There are no schools for search engine optimization per se, though there are courses on search technology, Internet marketing, web copy writing, web design and a myriad of other topics that could strike your fancy. But for the netizen intent on becoming an SEO professional, there is nothing that beats getting traffic into a site; no degrees can beat results.

{mospagebreak title=Whys and How Tos}

When starting off, you can be involved in any field you like; the first SEO professionals were web masters and web developers. Some are web programmers; currently the majority I know are Internet marketers selling their products or affiliate products on the net. Your average SEO is a copy writer, a coder, a webmaster or an Internet marketer (including small business owners who take time out to learn SEO).


Most enter SEO so that they can sell products, theirs or someone else’s. I did it so that I could offer a back end service to my web development clients, and now to promote online businesses. Glenn Murray, an Australian copy writer, probably went into Search Engine Optimization in order to promote his own sites on the search engines, add three number one rankings to his resume as an SEO copywriter, and prove himself as an SEO copywriter.

Michael Perdone went into SEO after successfully optimizing his wife’s site. What distinguishes an SEO professional from an Internet marketer is results on the SERPs. A marketer may use opt-in lists, referrals, cold calling and various other methods to promote a web site; the SEO professional uses the search engines.

How Tos

Like I said, there is no hard and fast rule in how to become an SEO professional. An unhealthy interest in the vagaries of various search engines is necessary, as well as some technical skill (think of staring at tea leaves and trying to read the future). A knowledge of Internet protocols is useful, HTML coding skill and knowing what works and what doesn’t — for example, beautiful AJAX-enabled pages are useless to search engines, which only crawl on page content and don’t bother with content added dynamically. But there are some skills that are invaluable in SEO.

{mospagebreak title=Skills Required}

One: Strong Copy Writing Skills

Search engines want content. People do “web” search and not image or video search when performing searches online. To optimize for key words means those key words must be contained on your web site. Since you are the SEO expert you cannot afford not to write copy. Your favorite word processing package should be good enough to use to help you practice write articles on various subjects on the web, write SEO copy for your website, become a blogger, build an impressive copy writing resume and get links back to your pieces (as well as get respect from your peers).

A working knowledge of content management systems (hence languages such as PHP and databases such as MYSQL) and also how blogs work is good but not essential.

Two: Web Analytic Skills

You must be able to track and define your users behavior when on your site. This is so that you can see how successfully you optimized your site, and what “turns on” your users. A particular site I edit provides a broad range of software offerings but our web stat software showed that some particular programming languages received more attention than others. Some “long tail” keyword phrases (5 words or more) were surprisingly successful over the long term, which gave an idea of what should be targeted in future key word campaigns. Software packages such as Onstat for web hosts and Counterize for word press powered blogs.

Knowledge of JavaScript is essential for discovering on page actions and times spent on specific pages. But it is not absolutely essential as a skill for search engine optimization.

Three: Personality Traits

More important than particular skills is a personality ethos (or way of doing things). This third point is probably the most important set of skills an SEO professional must possess. You can think of them as traits instead of skills. They are invaluable; if you disregard everything else you can’t disregard this.

As an SEO professional, you must read voraciously on SEO, Internet marketing, new technologies, changing and emerging trends and everything search engine related. Most importantly you must know what’s new in search engine optimization and also which way is up. Permanent subscriptions to Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Land, WebProNews, Webmaster World and SEO Chat are not merely advised; they are absolutely mandatory. To become a search engine professional you must have an appetite for learning that would be dangerous if applied to food.

Another trait to acquire is strong communication and teamwork skills. Unless you are really multi-skilled (know every conceivable programming language on earth and have strong copy skills on a divergent series of topics), you will be working on teams. Even as a lone SEO consultant, the design aspect of your clients’ sites should not necessarily be yours to handle. This is also true of programming and server side interactions.

If you believe a client needs a forum or a custom designed guest book, you do not have to be the designer, but you will have to communicate your needs to the web programmer. Programmers are usually geeky technical types who are overworked to start with, so they will appreciate clarity in communication. If you have any unfriendly qualities (and we all do sometimes), you will have to work so that they don’t show in your professional communications. Ideally you should eliminate them, but then your personal life is not really any of my business, is it?

{mospagebreak title=Closing Touches}

Knowing how to use the search engines is advised. This way you can search for tools which allow you to analyze your competition’s performance on the SERPs, and discover automated ways to perform operations such as directory submission, article submission and also other analysis which will make you, the SEO professional, look very good to your clients when you are speaking in the lingo of the “industry” (as with every other field, SEO has its own particular terms). This is all basic stuff for professionals, but for anyone who wants to know the barriers of entry to SEO it is a good introduction.

Be Extremely Service Oriented

SEO is a service, and like all services, it’s not just about the product. It’s also about the after sales, the pre sales, the customer relations and customer satisfaction. No matter how good you get, if you cannot keep your customer happy, then you may not be around for very long. If you check the bad press about SEO companies, it’s mostly in the area of customer service, not in their product delivery. If you want glowing referrals and repeat business then it is advisable to be service oriented and be extremely customer focused.

In a Nutshell

Here are some things you need to do before you quit your day job and hang out a shingle! Get (and learn how to use) Macromedia Dreamweaver, register a reseller hosting package, learn HTTP redirect commands and subscribe to (and read) all major search engine newsletters. And most importantly, get a guinea pig site and rank it for a variety of key words (give yourself a year or two).

After all this, get screen shots of your rankings and print out your traffic server logs, get glowing testimonies from a set of reputable customers, set up a blog (and release your own newsletter) and then my friend, you should be able to handle an SEO task without quaking in fear that you will disappoint the client. And I honestly believe that there is more tan enough business out there for every one, so “the more the merrier.” Read more about the services that SEO companies offered.

Kitchen Color Schemes: How to Avoid Kitschy Colors

The kitchen is the heart of the household, a place where you prepare meals and make memories. So it only makes sense that your kitchen’s color scheme reflects your unique tastes and personality, right? The concept for new kitchens Sydney is simple – take an open-plan design but add in a freestanding shelf unit or raised breakfast bar to create separation without the need for a full-on wall. Mirrors Sydney have different texture and mixture of design according to your needs.

The answer to that is yes — and no.

Although there may be a special hue that gets your heart thumping, there are many reasons why it makes sense to opt for a neutral palette in your kitchen. Many design professionals agree that using shades like white, beige, or gray as the foundation for your kitchen not only open up a spectrum of colorful possibilities, but enhance the value of your home.

The Never-Regret Factor

“Timeless colors are perfect, whether for resale or for your dream home,” says Jackie Jordan, Dallas-based director of color marketing for Sherwin-Williams. “Your kitchen won’t suffer from this-looks-like-it-was-done-in-the-90s comments if you opt for a neutral palette.”

“It’s a space where potential buyers envision themselves spending a lot of time,” agrees Sue Pelley, spokesperson for Decorating Den Interiors in Easton, Md. Thus, although you may believe your purple cabinets are divine, others may think they’re dreadful. And that, she says, can be a real barrier to a sale.

The Versatility of Neutrals

But does going soft and natural mean you have to stifle your inner Van Gogh? Not a chance.

“A neutral kitchen is the perfect canvas to personalize as your tastes change,” says Jordan. “It gives you the opportunity to accessorize with fun rugs, dinnerware — even just a fresh vase of flowers to liven things up.”

“I love being able to change moods with colors, often inspired by the changing seasons,” says Wendy F. Johnson, a certified kitchen and bath designer based in Manchester Village, Vt. “Neutrals can provide the base for a huge range of related or contrasting colors to be used with them, from bright and saturated to peaceful, muted hues.”

Texture also adds enormous impact to a neutral kitchen. A combination of materials from rough to smooth and matte to high gloss creates visual contrast and reflects light differently throughout the day, says Johnson. “For example, you can mix barn wood walls and satin painted drywall, white oak cabinetry with glass insets, lustrous concrete countertops with a stone tile backsplash. These might all be in the same tones, but there is nothing boring here.”

Using Color to Complement Your Kitchen’s Size

Your kitchen’s square footage is another important factor to consider when choosing a color palette. If the space is small, opt for paler hues for cabinets, walls, and countertops. Shades of white, bone, or cream reflect light and help a tiny kitchen feel brighter and more spacious.

Neutrals are also a great choice for kitchens that open up to other rooms, notes Pelley. “If your kitchen is part of a great room design, remember that any new paint will need to work with the color schemes in those rooms, too.”

Non-Permanent Ways to Add Pops of Color

Rather than committing to a single color scheme, a neutral kitchen lets you sample the rainbow. One option is to choose coordinating window treatments and chair cushions to liven up the space, says Johnson. An eye-catching poster, multihued area rug, or a collection of pottery displayed on a shelf all add personality to your kitchen and are easy to change when you’re ready for something new.

Paint is another low-cost way to incorporate a pop or two of color into a neutral room. You can grab a brush and paint your kitchen chairs or counter stools, or add a bright hue to the interior of a glass cabinet. Ready for something bigger? Consider rolling a bold shade on a single wall to create lively contrast in an otherwise single-color space.

Top Neutral Color Schemes

Neutrals may be timeless, but there are some combinations that look especially fresh. “I love warm grays and whites — always have,” says Johnson. “There are so many natural materials available in these tones that mix together beautifully, and all colors look gorgeous against this type of palette.”

Sherwin-Williams’ Jordan also favors white and light grays in a kitchen. “It’s a sleek and modern combination that works perfectly with the ever-popular stainless steel appliances and subway tile.”

When it comes to a big-ticket item like a kitchen, it makes sense to choose a palette that will endure for the long term, says Johnson. “Those of us who thrive in colorful surroundings will groan at this, but even we need some soft, peaceful environments sometimes.” Read more about the color that you want for your kitchen.

Selecting the Right Color to Paint Your Kitchen

Conventional kitchen color planning says that earthy colors, warm neutrals, and bright colors make both the cook and the diners feel more comfortable. These colors satisfy many purposes: coordinating with cabinets; reflecting light; providing cheer; and being palatable to buyers of your house. Whether you’re extending to add a new kitchen Sydney or simply renovating your existing space, our Willoughbyglass.com.au experts explain how to get the best value for your money. A custom made splashback can be a game charger in your kitchen

01 Kitchen Color “Rules”?

Good kitchen design rules often dictate that very dark colors, cold neutrals, and all other cold colors like blues, greens, purples, violets, and other colors in similar families do not promote hunger. Thus, they generally do not work as well in kitchens.

That said, kitchen colors should ultimately follow personal tastes. Black is conventionally a poor kitchen color. But as shown here, black works well when paired with the sharply contrasting stainless steel of the island and white of the breakfast bar and pendant lights.

02 Warm Neutrals (Glidden Camel Tan)

With enough shade or tint, any color can become a neutral; it is just a matter of which type of neutral you want. If you are nervous about getting your kitchen paint color wrong, it is hard to go wrong with mid-range neutrals.

While neutrals are usually equated with “boring,” but they do not have to be. With the addition of red, yellow, or orange, neutrals can be warmed up. With green, blue, or violet, they can be cooled down.

Try This

Glidden is the dark horse of the Home Depot aisles, marginalized because Behr is Home Depot’s favored house brand. Glidden is cheaper than all Behr paints except for Behr PRO.

Glidden Camel Tan steps back and lets the cabinets run the show in this bright-warm, comfortable kitchen.

03 Reds (Sherwin Williams Red Obsession)

While red as a kitchen color is not for everyone, it should be considered if you want to add spark and spice.

In a kitchen with plenty of dark colors, it can cut through the gloom. In a kitchen with fog-gray stainless steel appliances, it can provide a welcome focal point for the eyes.

Try This

Going red is like taking that big leap off the cliff. If you are going to do it, make sure you do it well.

Sherwin-Williams’ Red Obsession delivers a needed punch when you have lots of gray and stainless steel in your kitchen.

04 Rich Browns

Brown is considered earthy and evocative of the very place where your food comes from the earth, the farm. For those who are neutral-averse, brown almost becomes the New Neutral: safe.
Try This

Brown lends itself to so many tasty pairings. This kitchen from Sherwin-Williams is expertly color-coordinated. The reddish-brown of the walls play well with the darker brown cabinets. Even the kitchen island’s green fits into this family.

If, in the past, you have been brown-averse, consider a deep brown for your kitchen.

05 White-On-White

White is a class of kitchen unto itself. It is a thing, a certain kind of look.

Designers such as Christopher Peacock became famous for promoting all-white kitchens. The design can be described this way: white cabinets, white walls, white ceiling, possibly a white counter, and in case we forgot anything, let’s make it white, too.

Kitchens designed by Peacock and his ilk have a lush, traditional style, like the country Connecticut manor of a wealthy Wall Street stockbroker, circa 1926. Leona Helmsley’s $65 million Greenwich kitchen was all-white. You get the picture.

Try This

If you have white thermofoil MDF cabinets, embrace the look. Go ultra modern and sophisticated with white plastic stools from Wayfair, a white-on-white clock, and white small appliances. Stainless steel cone pendant lights complete the look.

06 Toned-Down Yellows

Many homeowners and designers agree that light yellow is a winning color in the kitchen.

It is friendly enough not to raise any eyebrows, yet distinctive enough that it will complement most types of kitchen cabinet wood species.

Like whites, the yellows reflect maximum ambient light—a plus if you have a gloomy townhouse or row house—yet without the hospital-sterile feeling that white convey.

Try This

Deeper yellows that are shaded with a smidge more black, such as Ralph Lauren Home Kayak Yellow and Mesa Sunrise, help evoke the mood of a traditional, classic kitchen, yet maintain a rich tone.

06 Blues (In Moderation)

Blue barely makes the best kitchen colors list. It has traditionally been considered a “downer” color, not conducive to stimulating one’s appetite. After all, how many foods can you think of that are naturally blue?

One thing to say about blue kitchens is that they have an instant vintage appeal. In limited amounts and with just the right tone, blue can give your little kitchen a retro sweet, cottage-y appeal.

Try This

Used sparingly or as an accent color, blue can be made to work in a kitchen. Check out our new kitchen designs in our website.

You Should Book Your Travel Packages Early

Cruises offer you the chance to go to many different places. This piece will give you great advice for having the most fun you can use on a cruise or elsewhere. There are months that deals for ski Canada is affordable for everybody.

Create a packing list of what to pack.

Be flexible when choosing your vacation destination. While it may be fun to revisit your favorite spots, being flexible can open you up to new experiences. You can even save money by picking an alternate destination.

When you are traveling by car or plane with toddlers, make sure you have enough fun things to keep them occupied. Try to bring along some of your child’s favorite toys. You may want to purchase a new toys for the travel because this will offer him enough distraction to keep your little one excited.

Try getting in some physical activity before you board the plane.This will help you avoid the tediousness of long flight. Sitting in the same position for a long periods of time can cramp up your legs and back cramps.

When traveling, be sure to wear light shoes that are extremely comfortable and easy to kick off. You are going to have to take your shoes off during security checks. Flip-flops or slip-on shoes are recommended for air travel footwear.

Bring a business card with you explore your destination city. This is useful for people that do not have a firm grasp of the language.

A motorcycle is a good mode of transportation for short travels. It can be quite a lot of fun.

Sign up for forums and social websites that are focused on travel. A great way to get ready for a trip is to socialize on these forums and ask questions and read stories from other travelers. This will put you make friends and share experiences to avoid making their mistakes or missing some great spots on your own trip.

Sleeping pills can help you through a long red-eye flights. It can be very hard to get sleep on a plane with all the noise, given the cramped seating, and the uncomfortable seats.Try a sleeping pills to make your flight go by more quickly. Don’t take these prior to takeoff, as a delay or problem may require that the plane returns.

Try to get the “local” rate that a hotel gives the hotels when you travel. Hotels often cater to locals with deals to local citizens in an attempt to fill their rooms. If you know a person that lives in the city, ask them to call about any special offers that might be available. This method can save you quite a lot of money.

Road trips tend to be boring so it is a good idea to plan some activities along the trip. Breaking things up your trip can create memories that will last a lifetime. Provide children with a map and schedule of your intended itinerary and route so that they can follow along.

Sometimes hotel walls in hotels are really thin. A great set of earplugs can help block out the noise and give you relax at night.

You don’t have to wander far to experience a fun weekend getaway. There are many things to do in your state or town. You can support your local businesses by traveling close to home. You might even find something really fun nearby that you didn’t know about.

Always take bottled water when going overseas.Many foreign countries have non-purified drinking water that is not purified leading to illness. Use bottled water to brush your teeth. You can also become ill from using the tap water.

Try to get a room on a upper floor. You should also opt for a room without sliding doors.Rooms with these are an easy target.

You want to always make your baggage stand out in comparison to everyone else’s luggage. You can decorate it with stickers or even color it. This will help you can be sure to spot your luggage and keep others from accidentally walking away with yours.

If you wear corrective lenses, make sure that an extra pair is in your luggage. This will help to ensure that if your current pair breaks on the glasses you are wearing become damaged you will still be able to see. You may not want to keep them in your carry on bag, or you can pack them into a suitcase if you prefer.

Long flights can certainly be taxing.You can avoid this by taking a flight that gets to your destination at the same time of morning you usually get up. ) and rest of the flight. Wake up refreshed and be ready to greet the day!

If you are bringing a pet, you need to take the time to research hotels that accommodate pets and any fees that may apply to bringing your pet with you.

Keep in mind that you are not the only person staying in hotels. Be courteous to others; keep your noise level down so you do not disturb your neighbors. Even at mid-day others may be napping, there may be someone catching a nap or recovering from jet lag. You don’t have to tiptoe around, but keep volume levels reasonable and be considerate.

Split up your valuables into multiple places. Don’t keep all your important papers in a single place. Put your cash, tickets, passports, and other important items into different bags. This way, if something is stolen or lost, you will at least have other items.

Check in early for your attendance on the flight.When you check in, make a note of your flight numbers and then a few hours before you are scheduled to depart, and several hours prior to the flight, check on the current status of the plane in order to plan properly.

Choose the offerings that help make your needs.

As previously stated, you can enjoy a cruise and see many places, or travel a different way. Cruise ships can help to maximize the fun for your family. Use these tips for a better trip.

How To Successfully Navigate Airport Security Procedures

Traveling is almost like going on an adventure of your home for a fun adventure. The following tidbits of info will help you plan a great travel checklist. Bluepowder.com.au an expert guide to skiing and snowboarding in Big White Canada, including the best runs, hotels, restaurants and bars

Don’t use public computers in your hotel or anywhere else they offer free internet while you are on vacation. There could be keyloggers that take your information

When traveling by air, it is important to wear shoes that are comfortable and easily removable. You are going to have to take your shoes off at the security checks. The ultimate shoes for flying might well be sandals or flip-flops.

A luggage tag hanging from the outside of your luggage is easily lost in transit.

These cookie sheets make a flat surface for kids to color on or coloring books on.

Always check expiration dates that are printed on your passports. Many countries have specific rules in place about passport expiration. Many will not allow you entry into the country if your passport expires soon.

Rental agencies want to try to get you to buy additional insurance that you may not need what they are selling. Vehicle insurance policies often have basic third party coverage.

If you are traveling to a different time zone, try to stay awake until 8pm local time. Though you may be exhausted, it’s best to not go to bed early so you don’t exacerbate jet lag.

If you choose a cruise for your vacation, get to know your fellow passengers at dinner. Many times you will get put at a large table with people you are unfamiliar with. Have a positive attitude and speak with different people. You are likely to see them often, and you might pick up some useful information.

Your vacation can turn into a nightmare if not take the time to do some research before planning. Read the reviews from others who have stayed there before. Their bad experience can prevent you avoid staying in a poorly rated hotel or seedy hotel.

Try not to exchange currency when you are in a different country. You can get foreign currency easily. You can obtain the foreign currency from an ATM at a bank. These usually offer better exchange rate available.

Don’t put your child in the aisle on a plane. Make sure there is an adult between the inside. Children are naturally curious and could harm themselves if they decide to reach into the aisle while a cart comes through. They will also be less likely to try to run if you are blocking the aisle.

Make sure you take along all important documents when you leave. Keep the copies of your insurance, insurance information, and other documents in a separate place than the ones you travel with.

Pack snacks if you will be traveling with kids. It might be best to pack more than you anticipate needing.This keeps them happy and busy so that they don’t cause a smoother trip. Even some junk food wouldn’t hurt just this time.

Contact lenses should be in a useful container for traveling. You can keep just a small amounts of hair gel or lotion inside to last through the trip.

If you can’t find somewhere to exchange your money right away once you reach your destination, exchange some of your money before you leave, and exchange the rest once you have found a currency exchange.

Make sure you allow yourself ample time for checking out of the hotel.Many hotels charge hefty fees if you are not out on time. Always give yourself enough time to get checked out.

When you are traveling by car, especially traveling for business, the temptations will be plenty. Rather than spending too much time hoovering around the buffet, check out the gym. This can keep your trip.

Make sure that you are aware of what the airline’s policy is for carry-on policy. Most airlines let you bring a small suitcase in addition to a personal bag on board. Make good use of that so you keep all the important items remain with you!

When traveling overseas, you need to check and make sure you have the proper paperwork and visas to travel in and through them.There are numerous kinds of visas, and some countries are very strict about who they let in. Consult with a travel agent, as well as the embassy’s website corresponding to the country in which you are going.

Take turns at driving when you are going to be on the road for long hours. If you completely exhaust yourself before you offer to switch, you increase the chances of getting into an accident. Do not wait until you are too tired to do so safely. You should change drivers at the wheel every three hours.This will keep you nice and refreshed for the drivers from getting so tired that they can’t effectively drive.

This can put a serious kink on your cruise entirely. You will end up in bed for days recovering from seasickness and not enjoying yourself on deck. If you know ahead of time, you can purchase some medication to manage your symptoms and make your trip much more comfortable.

Don’t bring too many clothes than you need on your trip. You should easily be able to pack a weeks worth of clothes for your travels. If you are going to be gone over a week, then just consider washing the clothes instead of packing even more.

Do not freak out if your bags have not arrived at your destination. Find out from airport staff where to report your lost luggage, present the officials there with your baggage claim tickets and complete any necessary paperwork.Most of the time your luggage will be found, your baggage will be found and given back to you in short order.

You should always carry a copy of your reservations on you always. This helps if the car rental company or hotel cannot find your reservation; you are questioned.This simple step can help you avoid a lot of problems. Print your papers out and have them in a strong folder.

The concepts in this piece are intended to make your travels go smoothly, though there are sure to be some bumps in the road. The biggest piece of advice we can give you is to relax and enjoy the ride. Know more about ski Canada packages.

The First Thing That People Come Across at the Time of This Process Is to Get a Good Logo Designer

Logo is a very important and at the same time very unique graphic or word mark that helps to attract people’s recognition. Many commercial enterprises and organizations use their own logo as their brand symbol or identity. People and customers can easily recognize the company or brand name by their logo. So it is quite important to get a good and commendable logo to represent a company. Design a logo instantly with our online free logo generator tool.

The first thing that people come across at the time of this process is to get a good logo designer. Yes, first important step is logo design that would be created by a designer. As it would be a face of the brand, one must think of a very unique but catchy logo. It also depends on the product of the company when it comes to design a logo, like if a sports brand wants to promote its product it should go for a particular logo that reflects the image of that product. For that reason, among many, people should grab a talented logo designer. That would be the most challenging thing to do, because designers are waiting for you to get an opportunity to show their talent but not many companies get lucky to have a mind blowing logo.

Logo design is not a simple task. Marketing team and Design agency get involved to finalize a perfect symbol and color of that logo. It takes lot of time to create a perfect symbol as it should be able to attract all the attention of the mass around the world. There are some very famous logos like Nike, McDonalds, BMW, Face book, Vogue, Barbie, Fly Emirates, Adidas, Twitter, Pepsi, and Apple etc. These popular logos are crying aloud that designing logo is as important as the product of the brand. And to get that people should keep in mind important aspects of logo design, which are Uniqueness, Appealing, Relevance and Communication. These are the important aspects should be keep in mind.

In this process we meet custom logo that has a strong place to be considered. Many use only a short symbol, which is called custom logo, to portray the errand of the company or an advertisement which is also very powerful. Companies use this kind of logo to get a unique and creative image as it is possible for people to get confused with other logos, though no one can use others’ symbol after being created. So, logo design has become a popular trend nowadays. Many agencies and software companies are raising their heads in this field and the profession is becoming one of very good sources of making money. Because of this a huge amount of designers are getting chance to prove their talent. It also helps people to get a good logo designer for their brands. This profession began to grow from 1950 in United States. At that time, popular designing firms were responsible to make many famous logos and it has become a trend now.

Many small companies require free logo for their brand and for that they have options to look for some web-sites that provide free logo. Those websites provide free design service to help people have their own unique symbol. Gradually one could gain the knowledge of how a color of logo can be selected and other important things that can be known by following the process of getting free logo. Many small entrepreneurs don’t want to invest lot of money for getting logo but it is important to get a logo for their brand, so they have option for that.

There are many Indian logo designs that have successfully attracted everyone’s attention and have made all the brands unique. The examples are Mumbai Indians, Air India, Green Apple, DLF Indian Premier League, Indian Pacific, Airtel, HP, State Bank of India, Tata Docomo etc. So it can be said that in India there are good scopes of getting talented designer or firms that provide services. Of course, one can find a talented logo designer if needed and searched properly.

Logo Design India is one of the popular firms that help people getting good affordable logos. This is true that to get a unique logo one has to hunt for a good, experienced agency or talented logo designer. It also depends on luck to get a perfect, attracting logo that will change the image of the brand forever. Many are willing to invest a good amount of money to have an attracting symbol. But it is possible to get logos without spending a lot and some popular brands also haven’t spent much to get their own logo.

Logo designer from India are very talented and are successful when it comes to provide you good logo as we have many examples before our eyes. Many Indian organizations are proud to get their logo from Indian logo designer. Indian logo design is getting popular internationally and the market is spreading like other International agencies.

People can look for good agencies to get a logo for their companies and if they want to get free logo then it is possible too. In India Every small and big businessman or company are able to get good logo to represent their brand.

Sukhen Bhattacharya



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sukhen_Bhattacharya/1316724

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6986051

Make Your Home Interior Shine With These Easy Tips

Technology is so advanced today that many tasks easier to perform. Things like designing your home is easier to do on your own. Do you need some advice and guidance? Read the following article to learn how you can design your home. Our unique approach to kitchen Sydney design, manufacture and installation delivers excellent value in a custom built kitchen. Glass for table top cut to size near me has advance technology when it comes to quality.

One painting can be the grand focal point of a room. A painting could also give you a starting point in which you could start decorating with other things.

You can save yourself money by shopping at discount stores.

Items that have multiple purposes are multi-purpose allow you to make your space savers for a smaller room.

The amount of natural light in a room gets is something you should always consider when working with interior design. If a room lacks windows, you should consider using a light shade to prevent your room from looking too dark.

The best way to prepare for a redecoration project to to remove clutter

Get creative when choosing counter-tops for your kitchen counter tops. Traditional materials such as granite are popular, but consider using concrete, cork and wood can also be lovely options. These alternative materials can cost less and make your kitchen look unique.

Too much furniture or accessories can make a room feel cramped. A wiser move is to opt for one or two key furnishings in the room and maximize your open space.

A new looking kitchen might be just some new cabinet doors. You can even add accent pieces in the open glass cabinets with a nice visual appearance.

Lighting is crucial in any room.It can put you in a good mood for the room. Bright lights create an upbeat vibe and work well suited for bathrooms and kitchens. Try adding dim lighting to bedrooms and living rooms if you want a mood like that.

It is a good for you to use popular elements when you design. They can give a room and add a fresh feel. It is smart to limit these trendy elements as accents only.A cheetah print lamp shade can be replaced with a floral table runner. A cheetah print isn’t as easy to change.

Lighting is an important aspect of any interior design project.There are many ways to bring light into your room such as lights, lighting, windows, and a lot more. You can really make a space bright if you use these items into something that works well for you.

A grouping of at least three items comprises a single category. Three or more pieces are considered a collection. Group collections together for an interesting look that will serve as a great display and get people talking!

An excellent tip to help give you interior design eye is to watch TV specifically related to homes and Garden on television. There are a lot of amazing shows on this channel that can show you some popular ideas and teach you can make them a reality in your own home.

Be sure that you are hanging newly acquired art too low or too high on your walls.A useful tip is to hang artwork a good ten inches higher than the back of furniture.

Painting or decorating clay pots with different decorations is a great way to liven up artificial plants. You can even have your kids to paint their own pots so they can use them about their bedroom for toys or stuffed animals.

If you want a room to feel more expansive, use lighter colors such as cream or white for your decorating scheme. This is particularly useful if you’re designing a smaller room that feels congested. Use light colors to create the right color to make your cramped apartment feel more space.

Think of a mood for the whole design before you want to give off in your home.What do you hoping the room? Do you want it to be your place of relaxation? Do you wish to do actual work in the room? Is this area a room that you will use to entertain guests? Each color you choose should approach your space in terms of moods that it reflects.

Mix odd objects that do not match. You might like the zebra stripe throw pillow gives a whimsical look of clashing patterns! You may find that the living room comes alive when you place a blanket that’s lime green on a sofa that’s purple. Mixing things that don’t match often create better looks than you think!

A great tip to enhance an older area of your home is to add a brand new skylight. Skylights open up rooms and let in a tremendous amount of light. Skylight manufactures today are creating some nice skylights.

To prevent to far of a stretch you should ask them what color they want, let your children choose a color and you can choose the shade.You can then allow them to decorate their room with whatever colored furniture or accents. If your child wants fire engine red walls, agree to pale lavender walls and the most outrageously colored purple furniture available.

A great interior decorating tip is to use wasted wall space to use. This will make the room more eye-catching and more livable.

Keep the same decorating style elements throughout your home. While you can be eclectic by allowing one room with major elements to dominate, if you focus on a singular design you will make your house feel like a unit instead of a bunch of individual rooms.

You should now have a feeling of confidence in your interior design potential. Absorbing all of this information is a great start. Now it is time to start putting this advice to work by designing the home of your dreams. Get started here on how to design your kitchen.

Do You Want a Real High – Go Surfing Every Day

How can I explain surfing in one word? WOW! Surf comp app is the best “high” you will ever experience. This article will tell you about the special feelings that you will get once you get hooked on surfing. There are many ways to explain what surfing is all about. Here are a few.

Surfing is Aloha. Surfing is Freedom. Surfing is Living. Surfing is Stoke. Surfing is a Feeling. Surfing is Happiness. Surfing is like having a Love Affair. Surfing is in your Heart. Surfing is Love. Surfing is Wonderful. Surfing is God Given. Surfing is Life.

There are nearly as many expressions of surfing as there are watermen; the art of surfing is about the different elements that bring joy to each individual in the water. So, go surfing and get a real natural high!

You can experience the joy of surfing on just about any surfboard type or design. You can get the feeling of surfing from everything from a bodyboard to a skimboard, a wakeboard, a short surfboard, a long surfboard, a Standup Paddleboard, and even bodysurfing.

I love surfing and being in the water. I want to share this experience with you so that is why I am writing this article in hopes of getting someone excited about surfing.

Here is what one surfer says about sharing the surfing experience, “There is no better feeling than getting another person stoked on surfing. Truly, it does not bum me out that there are more surfers in the water these days. It just means that I have to get up earlier in the morning. When I saw this man rise on a wave for the first time, I felt as if I had gotten up on a wave for the first time.” -Shaun Tomson. Surfer’s Code.

I grew up in Laguna Beach and it continually surprises me that I don’t see more Laguna Ticks, as the locals are called, in the water and on the beach every day. Yes, there are a myriad of reason to avoid the beach when it’s windy, when it’s raining, when it’s too hot or too cold, the sun burns, but there are so many better reasons to find the reason to be on the beach and in the water on those days that I can’t stay away. It’s like a wonderful natural high. With the ocean and the surf as your friend, you are set for life.

You don’t have to be a pro surfer to enjoy surfing. It’s too bad that most all surfing movies show the professionals doing all of these wild and difficult maneuvers in waves that most surfers can’t and will never ride. Most of us mere mortals can have fun riding waves that are only one foot or maybe 3 to 5 feet on the face of the wave. Most of the movies send the wrong message to the general public because the waves are scary and beyond the capability of 99% + of all the surfers in the world.

So, forget the big surf and go to the beach and ride the little to moderate sized waves that God created for all of us to enjoy. Ride you boogieboard or your soft surfboard. Go out and have fun,which you will. If you really get hooked on the sport of surfing then you can graduate to the bigger waves, but that takes practice, lots of time in the water, physical stamina, and the will and determination to get better. Most of us just want to feel comfortable and have fun riding the friendly waves.

Here is what one of my friends recently told me, ” A friend asked if I enjoyed retracing my steps, going slow, riding mushy waves… For me, there was never a pro career and never will be. Surfing is a vocation for me and my job is to share my love for the sea, for the water and the spirit that I find with others, one way or another. It’s not about “liking” it. It’s that I can’t imagine not doing it”. This is the feeling of love that will build in you from surfing. You will grow to love it and it will become irresistible.

In the opening paragraph of this article I wrote, “Surfing is Aloha. Surfing is Freedom. Surfing is Living. Surfing is Stoke. Surfing is a Feeling. Surfing is Happiness. Surfing is like having a Love Affair. Surfing is in your Heart. Surfing is Love. Surfing is Wonderful. Surfing is God Given. Surfing is Life.

When you discover surfing, you will experience all of these feelings. Now, it may not be immediate, but if you go to the beach on a warm sunny day with warm water or wearing a wet suit that keeps you warm, you will get the taste of what it is all about. You will see many people from the smallest kids to senior citizens playing in the water, riding waves on various surfing devices, all of them with a smile on their face. They are silently feeling the warm inner feelings of surfing. However, they will also become very expressive and sometimes yell and shout when they ride a good wave.

The waves are a special gift of God that gives the surfer the feelings of happiness, love, excitement, feelings that you are free, that you are alive, and that your are surfing life. You are experiencing Aloha, which is all about love and happiness and the sharing of these warm feelings with everyone you encounter. This is what Duke Kahanamoku promoted.

Surfing is “stoke”, which is a surfing term that means excitement. When you get involved in wave riding and surfing, you will feel the stoke! Surfing is wonderful, it grows in your heart and becomes like a love affair.

How can I explain surfing in one word? WOW!

So my friends, don’t stay out of the water on those cloudy days or when the surf isn’t just perfect. Go to the beach, take a walk, get in the water, ride those little small mushy waves, and have fun. Take the wonderful feelings you get from surfing and fill your life and relationships with them.

Surf Life for the rest of your life and feel the stoke!

Oak Street Surf was founded by Chuck Herpick, a Stanford graduate and former Naval Aviator, an accomplished surfer who has spent his lifetime in or near the ocean surfing most of the California and Hawaii breaks over the many years.

Oak Street Surf is an online, one stop, surf shop representing the latest surfboard products. You can get a good review of top of the line surfboard types and designs including bodyboards, skimboards, Custom SUPs, longboards, and shortboards.

Chuck has been a friend and associate with legendary surfer Tom Morey who invented the Morey Boogie Board. Together, he and Tom have designed and made many different types of soft and hard surfboards and other surfing products.

Chuck believes that surfing, whether it is bodysurfing, boogie boarding, board surfing, skimboarding or riding a Standup Paddleboard (SUP) will change your life forever. You will be able to apply the love you will obtain from surfing to everything you do and will learn how to Surf Life! What a joy!!

Visit Oak Street Surf at [http://www.oakstreetsurf.com] to find out more about surfboards, surfing, Standup Paddleboards, and what types and designs of water sports products are available.

You will be able to talk to the experts with over 70 years of surfing experience. They will tell you about the “stoke” of surfing. Visit the site now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Chuck_Herpick/1477936

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7798793

How to get a high-quality kitchen remodel without the sticker shock

Justin Pierce is a real estate investor who regularly writes about his experiences buying, renovating and selling houses in the Washington area. The advantage of large kitchen spaces you enjoy certain freedoms that you do not have with smaller spaces–room for more countertop area, appliances, and a kitchen island, that is what we do here at kitchen renovations Seven Hills. Glass cut to size Sydney company use comply in the standards that is widely use.

Be sure to sit down when you meet with a designer in the kitchen department of a big home improvement store — otherwise the price might knock you over.

According to Remodeling magazine, the national average for a full kitchen remodel is $54,909. I have never been able to get my mind wrapped around this, considering that the national median income is only around $51,000.

The average full kitchen remodel is defined as:

“Update an outmoded 200-square-foot kitchen with a functional layout of 30 linear feet of semi-custom wood cabinets, including a 3-by-5-foot island; laminate countertops; and standard double-tub stainless-steel sink with standard single-lever faucet. Include energy-efficient wall oven, cooktop, ventilation system, built-in microwave, dishwasher, garbage disposal, and custom lighting. Add new resilient flooring. Finish with painted walls, trim, and ceiling.”

Remodeling magazine also reports that a major kitchen remodel returns an average of $40,732. My average kitchen remodel usually comes in at less than half this national average cost. Here’s how you can save money on your kitchen project and turn your effort into a positive gain in home equity without sacrificing quality:

• Start with your design. Figure out the layout you want for your kitchen. A simple and sleek design will appeal to most buyers and help keep your costs down. Keeping your existing layout is always cheaper. Avoid moving plumbing and electrical items if possible — at least try to keep your stove (especially gas stoves) and sink in the same location. Moving a gas stove will require relocating gas lines and moving your sink plumbing can create additional problems. They also require additional permits and time.

Try to pick an overall theme — country, modern, rustic, etc. This will help you select materials and ensure everything comes together properly. Have a good idea of the look you want before you go into a design center or talk to contractors.

Get a design early and plan ahead. Cabinets can take six weeks or more to be delivered. You don’t want to have your kitchen torn apart while you’re waiting for an item to be delivered.

• Determine the scope of work. Once you have a very good idea of what you want, sit down and write up a good detailed list of tasks that you want completed. You don’t have to be technical and you don’t have to use construction terms but just state all the things you want a contractor to do and bid. It can be as simple as: remove all existing flooring and cabinets; install new flooring, cabinets, countertops, sink and appliances per the plan; paint; hook up sink plumbing; and install new light fixtures.

When you start talking to contractors and designers you may find additional work is required. That’s okay. It’s easy to update your list and resend to all the bidding contractors. Otherwise, the various contractors will list the items they believe you want and it will be difficult to compare bids. A basic scope of work also eliminates some guess work by the contractor.

Ask your contractors to line item their bids as you’ve categorized the items. This, too, will help you compare costs and refine your plan.

• Try to select the materials yourself. Asking a contractor to supply big-ticket items such as flooring, cabinets, countertops and appliances leaves them with a huge range to guess on and there is a chance you’ll end up paying the contractor an additional fee on top of the supplied costs.

A lot of money can be saved in a kitchen remodel by shopping around on your big-ticket items. I’ve not been able to save much money on things like paint and light fixtures. So I focus on my cabinets, countertops, appliances and flooring.

• Don’t select cabinets based on name brands. Cabinets are a huge expense. There can easily be a $15,000 difference between various designs and manufacturers for 30 linear feet of semi-custom cabinets. Taking some time to select a good quality cabinet can save a lot of money.

I’ve never seen a home buyer ask for the name brand of cabinets in a home. You can get a very good cabinet for a fraction of the cost of some of the big-name manufacturers.

You should look for cabinet boxes made of furniture-grade plywood. Doors and drawer fronts should be made from a solid wood frame surrounding a panel and I prefer a solid wood panel. Furniture grade plywood panels are okay as long as it looks good but avoid laminated particle board.

Drawers should be constructed of solid wood with dovetail joinery and a plywood bottom that is tightly fitted into a groove in the side of the drawer. I also look for a good slide and soft-close feature. Shelves should be made of at least half inch furniture grade plywood.

If you ensure your cabinets have these features then the name on them doesn’t really matter. Most cabinet makers will provide similar warranties anyway. Check with your supplier.

Wood species and design have a major impact on price. Often you can get the desired look but save money by going with a little simpler design and different wood. Most all cabinets are made of a hardwood so they will be durable.

• Choose the countertop wisely. Countertops also range widely in price. My top of choice is granite. Countertops are one of the first things people notice in your kitchen. Particle board wrapped in Formica or other laminate is almost always a turn off to potential buyers. When selecting granite, first choose the color you want, dark or light. Price will often be determined by what your supplier has available. Granite is granite so there is no significant quality difference in the stone. You can easily pick a $20 a square foot granite and get the same look as a $45 a square foot granite.

Watch the installation costs. When it comes to granite, the supplier will almost always do the install. I’ve found that some suppliers advertise really cheap per square foot costs but then they jack up the installation costs. Make sure you get a full bid from the various suppliers you visit. You might find the shop that advertised $20 granite is actually more expensive than the shop that’s selling a $30 granite.

When it comes to cabinets and countertops, try going to one of the many small local suppliers. Shopping around with these shops can often save you thousands vs. what you’ll pay at the big home-improvement stores. And you are much more likely to be dealing with just one person rather than whomever happens to be on duty on a given day at a big retailer. I also find that many of the small shops can deliver in half the time required by the big retailers.

• Low-priced flooring may be just as good as the costly kind. Tile and hardwood can easily range in costs from $1 a square foot to $15 a square foot or more. I find that I can get a very good look in a home with a $2 or $3 a square foot tile.

For tile, I normally go to the big home improvement stores. Big retailers normally have the best price on tile but their selection is limited. Avoid using real stone if you’re cost conscious. The material is more expensive and it’s usually tougher to install and your contractor should charge you more for installation. If he doesn’t charge you more, there’s a good chance he’s not very experienced with it and you may end up with quality problems. I prefer a simple and clean look anyway. Granite or marble tile can look out of place if not installed correctly and properly incorporated into an overall design.

Good prices on hardwood can be found at one of the surplus or overstock warehouses. This may take some time because you never know what they may have in supply at any given visit. If you can use an overstock item you can save thousands in material. This may require you to start watching months in advance of your project. I once purchased 2,000 square feet of solid maple wood flooring and rented a storage unit to keep it until I had a project ready. Be careful that your storage fees don’t wipe out your savings.

• Go for midgrade name brand appliances. Appraisers and buyers rarely value top-of-the line appliances at anything close to their purchase price.

Appliances are sold a bit like cars. There are appliance sales people in almost every big box store. Make contact with several sales people. Get their cards and see if they’ll call or text you when they’re having sales. This is what I do. I buy packages of appliances well before I’m ready for them when I have upcoming projects. These retailers have also been willing to hold my appliances for months until I’m ready for delivery.

• Do your homework to find the right contractor. Knowing your rough layout, desired materials, and armed with a scope of work, you can begin getting bids. Dealing with contractors can be a daunting task. Virginia, Maryland and the District all have good guidance for consumers. Check your jurisdiction’s Web site to find good tips for researching your contractor and items that need to be in a construction contract.

Make sure you get four or five bids. Be wary of any bid that is too cheap or too expensive. Have contractors line item their bids and closely compare the items. If one of the items varies greatly in price from bid to bid then you may not have properly explained your needs.

Getting the best price on labor is not always about just finding the right contractor. It’s about finding the right contractor at the right time. If a contractor happens to be busy he’ll probably still give you a price but he probably won’t give you the best price. So always get multiple bids from reputable contractors.

If you have a choice, try timing your project after the holiday rush but before the spring thaw. This is typically contractors’ slowest time of the year and they’ll appreciate having indoor work.

Big retailers will provide you with local contractors. This is almost always the more expensive option but it does provide you with an additional layer of protection.

• Avoid change orders. Change orders kill. Do your best to flesh out your desires before the bidding process and get as much as you can bid and priced out prior to signing a construction contract. A contractor knows you are probably not going to bid out a change order so he’s not likely to give you the best price. Most times the contractor will have pulled permits for the job so it will be difficult or impossible to bring in another contractor to fill a need.

• Try doing some of the work yourself. If you’re adventurous and handy, consider installing the cabinets yourself. This is much easier than one might think and there are ample videos and books available to help the do-it-yourselfer in this task. Some contractors really seem to overcharge for cabinet installation. Check to see how your cabinets will be delivered. If they come preassembled, installing them yourself is that much easier. If assembly is required, you may reconsider because it will require significantly more time.

Kitchen remodels are never painless. Expect the project to take a least a couple weeks. This is time when you will not be able to use a vital portion of your home. Starting to plan your remodel months in advance is key to finding the best price on materials and mitigating the stress of the construction process.

Have a plan, start early and work with good people and you can save thousands of dollars and immeasurable stress. In the end, you’ll not only have a beautiful kitchen to enjoy but also add significantly to your home’s value.